1.     After washing your face, don’t apply any moisturizer, sunscreen, toner, powder, or other products. Two to three hours later, look in a mirror under bright lights. Your forehead and cheeks feel or appear:

a) Very rough, flaky, or ashy b) Tight c) Well hydrated with no reflection of light d) Shiny with reflection of bright light

2.    You would characterize your facial skin as:

a) Dry b) Normal c) Combination d) Oily

3.    Your face is oily in the T-zone (forehead and nose):

a) Never b) Sometimes c) Frequently d) Always

4.    You have clogged pores (blackheads or whiteheads):

a. Never b. Rarely c. Sometimes d. Always

5.    Your face is oily in the T-zone (forehead and nose):

a) Never b) 5 or more hours after washing c) 2 - 4 hours after washing d) 1 hour after washing e) All day

6.    How many times a day do you wash your face?

a) I do not wash my face every day b) 1 time c) 2 times d) 3 times e) 4 or more